
Over 15 Years doing what I love
I am a highly qualified teacher with over 15 years combined experience of teaching Pilates and Slings (fascial focussed training that encompasses teachings from Yoga and Pilates). I love learning about the interconnectedness of the body and how I can use Pilates and Slings to enable better function, posture, strength, mobility and overall well-being for people I work with. My areas of interest include movement for sporting performance, back care, rehabilitation and pre- and post-natal. I am proud to work with pro athletes at England Cricket, Sussex Cricket and Brighton & Hove Football.

I believe that the beauty of Pilates and Slings is that it is an inclusive form of exercise for people of all abilities. I carry this principle through my teaching and I am a true example of this.
I have always enjoyed playing competitive sports and played Junior England and county cricket for Sussex Women’s between the ages of 10 and 18. However, my chance of advancing to a higher level in this sport was cut short after suffering from back pain.
At the age of 13, I was diagnosed with a scoliosis and then two years later, the excruciating pain of two prolapsed discs in my lower back. This latter episode of back injury led me to have surgery on both discs. The surgery, however, was only a short-term solution and the back pain continued. I sought medical advice from a back specialist who said that I could either have further surgery to fuse the vertebrae together or I could start practising Pilates.
For me, the second option was obviously the more favourable. In 2002, I began practising Pilates and was amazed by the results. I rarely experience back pain and I am now stronger than ever - participating in sports again. This personal experience has given me a thirst for learning about anatomy, rehabilitation and movement. It has led me to further my knowledge in other movement practices and anatomical courses such as human dissection - keeping abreast of the latest and most relevant scientific papers.